Discover FemTech360 Connect & Consult: Expert Advice on Pregnancy Concerns

At FemTech360, we understand that pregnancy comes with many questions and uncertainties. That’s why we’ve launched our “Connect & Consult” video series, featuring trusted medical experts who address common concerns around pregnancy. Here’s a quick look at our latest videos that tackle important topics for expecting mothers.


1. Can Yoga Guarantee a Normal Delivery?




In this video, Dr. Poorni Narayan addresses a common question among pregnant women – can regular yoga practice assure a normal delivery? Dr. Narayan highlights the benefits of yoga, such as improved mental peace and flexibility. However, she explains that the likelihood of a normal delivery depends on factors like baby position and size, which are beyond control. While yoga is beneficial, Dr. Narayan advises not to be disappointed if a cesarean section is necessary.


2. Apprehensions About Labor Pain


Labor pain can be a source of anxiety for many mothers-to-be. Dr. Narayan discusses various pain relief options, including breathing exercises, painkillers, and epidural analgesia. She emphasizes the role of breathing in managing pain and reassures patients about the safety of epidurals. Dr. Narayan also touches on preparing for breastfeeding, providing insights into optimal feeding posture and the natural process of milk production.


3. White Discharge During Pregnancy: What’s Normal?


Dr. Narayan sheds light on the common issue of white discharge in pregnancy, explaining that increased discharge results from higher blood flow to the uterus and vaginal area. She clarifies that discharge without irritation is normal, while any signs of discomfort may indicate an infection. Proper hygiene is crucial, and Dr. Narayan recommends using vaginal washes to maintain pH balance and prevent infections.


4. Managing Pregnancy with Diabetes


For women with diabetes, pregnancy requires extra monitoring. Dr. Narayan explains how uncontrolled blood sugar levels can lead to larger-than-average babies. She advises against overeating to ensure baby growth and stresses the importance of balanced nutrition and regular exercise. Hydration is also vital for both pregnancy and breastfeeding, helping prevent dehydration and maintain milk supply.


5. Coping with Morning Sickness and Early Pregnancy Symptoms


In this informative video, Dr. Narayan provides advice on managing nausea and other early pregnancy symptoms. She emphasizes the importance of small, easily digestible meals in the first trimester and suggests buttermilk as a nutritious option. Dr. Narayan also addresses common symptoms like gas, giddiness, and fatigue, offering helpful insights for mothers to navigate early pregnancy with comfort.


FemTech360 is here to support you through your pregnancy journey. Stay tuned for more expert advice through our “Connect & Consult” series.